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History of the Establishment of the Arabic Literature Program at UNS

The Arabic Literature Study Program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, was established on January 12, 2011, under Decree Number 14/D/O/2011, signed by the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia. The program’s operational license has been effective since July 12, 2010, with the issuance of Operational License Decree Number 172/D2.2/2010.

The establishment of the Arabic Literature Study Program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, was initially initiated by Prof. Dr. Istadiyantha, M.S., with the assistance of Prof. Dr. Sangidu, M.Hum., who at that time served as the Education and Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Cairo, Egypt.

As a prerequisite for establishing the Arabic Literature Study Program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, the Directorate General of Higher Education required international collaboration. In response, the UNS Rector promptly initiated a partnership with universities in Egypt, facilitated by Prof. Dr. Sangidu, M.Hum.

Through the initiative of Prof. Dr. Istadiyantha, M.S., the support of Prof. Dr. Sangidu, M.Hum., and the backing of the Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Fine Arts, Dr. Sudarno, M.A., as well as the UNS Rector, Prof. Dr. dr. Muchammad Syamsulhadi, Sp.KJ., and the UNS Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ravik Karsidi, M.S., the Arabic Literature Study Program received its operational license and began academic activities on July 12, 2010.

Arabic Literature Study Program

Faculty of Cultural Sciences 

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

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