Program Excellence


The Arabic Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), offers education in Arabic language, literature, and culture. Some of the key strengths of the program include:

  • Strong and sustainable partnerships both domestically and internationally, particularly for visiting professor programs, guest lectures, and student exchange or credit transfer opportunities with partner universities in the Middle East.
  • Focused learning paths with four prominent specializations that students can choose from: Linguistics, Literature, Translation, and Middle Eastern Culture.
  • Arabic language learning is enriched with the local wisdom of Javanese culture.
  • A vibrant student life supported by various creative academic activities, notably the Arabic Fair and OASE Theater, which regularly stages performances in Arabic.
  • A strong alumni network, Keluarga Alumni Sastra Arab (KASA), which actively contributes to the academic community of the Arabic Literature Program and society, with members spread across various regions and institutions, both public and private.